🌟 Recruiting wealth
🌟 Gathering wealth
🌟 Degaussing
🌟 Charging

Amethyst is called the “Social Stone”, which could calm the mind, improve sleeping quality, develop wisdom, stimulate creativity, increase confidence, stabilize emotions, increase memory ability and increase the vitality of brain cells.

As a “Feng Shui” stone for homes and offices, amethyst could gather the energy and wealth, avoid and drive away evil, replenish energy for the crystal, increase spirituality, degauss, block and absorb and purify a large amount of radiation.

The amethyst cluster is also helpful for students or office workers who need a lot of thinking and brainpower. Placing the amethyst seat in the Wenchang position is helpful for exams. If it is placed in the wealth position, it will have the effect of prosperous wealth. Secondly, amethyst can accumulate popularity, and amethyst can improve interpersonal relationships and prevent villains.

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