⭐️ Efficacy
. Develop personal potential and have the courage to develop new fields
. Make people have the courage, fearless spirit, bravely face difficulties
. Strengthen the elimination of fatigue, and improve the energy of body, mind and soul as a whole

Discovered in Namibia in 1962 and named after its discoverer, Sydney Pieters.

Peterstone is a variant of tiger’s eye stone. Its predecessor is siliceous wool. Due to the phenomenon of brecciation caused by formation pressure, peterite mostly presents the hue of tiger’s eye stone, with gold, yellow, blue, red and other colors, that is, several colors. The colors are evenly pressed into waves or spirals.

no trouble
The Buddha said: Nothing is something, and nothing means everything. Therefore, the “nothing card” is regarded as a “wish card”, and the amulet is eagerly owned by everyone.
It is said that as long as you put your wishes or blessings on the “nothing card”, your wishes can become reality and protect you for life.

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