⭐️ Efficacy
. Enhance inner peace
. Stone of peace and love
. Remove negative energy from mind, body and aura
. Aids in the healing of the eyes (especially with cataracts)
. Helps strengthen bones

Blue iron ore (#Vivianite) English name comes from commemorating the British mineralogist J.G.Vivian who first discovered blue iron ore in the Cornwall area of England.

Fresh blue ironite is colorless, and exposure to light will gradually darken the color, with a glass or pearl luster.

After exposure to the air, the colorless and odorless cyanite turns into blue-green or black through oxidation and exposure to sunlight, so the blue-green color of cyanite is a secondary color.

Blue iron ore is formed in iron ore deposits and in the oxidation zone of manganese-rich deposits. Usually forms elongated prismatic or platy crystals, also occurs in massive, bladed or fibrous forms.

⭐️In order to maintain the beautiful blue-green color of blue iron ore, it should avoid sunlight or store it in a preservation cabinet without sunlight. When saving, it should be noted that it is soluble in hydrochloric acid and easy to melt. In addition, try to avoid a humid and hot environment to avoid mildew.

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